You are driving down the highway when all of a sudden you have car trouble. Law enforcement created the suggestions below when you have to make an emergency stop on the road. There are times, regardless of how much maintenance you put into your car, the unexpected happens. And, few places create more anxiety than the highway. Road hazards can puncture a vital system in your vehicle or produce a flat tire. Even adverse weather can make driving hazardous or give your vehicle some issues. If you have to pull over on the highway, you have to make sure that you're as safe as possible. Here are some tips that can keep you out of harm's way. The Highway At the first sign of trouble, smoothly and gently take your foot off the accelerator. Don't suddenly brake. Carefully gear your car toward the side of the road or the breakdown lane. If you are on a highway, try to get to an exit. Put on your blinkers for the other drivers to know your vehicle is disabled. If it is necessary to get into another lane, watch the traffic around you carefully. Turn on your hazard lights immediately. It is very critical to stay calm. In the best-case scenario, get off the highway. Since automobiles are going quite fast, staying on the road isn't the safest option. If circumstances don't allow you to get off the highway, get on the right shoulder if possible. If you can't make it there, get to the left one. The right shoulder is the safer choice since it typically lets you stop the furthest away from the traffic flow. Adverse Weather If you are traveling and having vehicle issues in adverse weather, it is best to exit the highway and get to a service station or a place with shelter. It is best to remain buckled up and call a towing company from your cellphone. Remember, the highway has high winds from passing cars, fast traffic hazards, and uneven surfaces that make working on a vehicle highly dangerous. Even something as easy as changing a tire can cost you your life. |
AuthorWe at Buffalo Towing are here to provide tips and ideas regarding towing, accidents, and safety. Archives
July 2024