If your car is impounded, you'll be paying a storage and towing fee. Your vehicle could even be sold if you don't come to retrieve it. There are regulations and limits which govern car impounds. Law Enforcement A law enforcement officer could have your vehicle impounded if it's blocking traffic, you're stopped and can't legally drive, or you're illegally parked. You can get your car back with the right documentation after paying the fees. A car and its contents could be impounded as part of some legal proceedings or a criminal investigation. In this instance, the official hold has to be released first. In most situations, a law enforcement agency doesn't do the towing itself. Instead, it contracts the service out to a private towing company. Private Property Tows Owners of private property, including retail shops, restaurants, and apartments, have the right to implement their parking regulations. The hours and limitations have to be displayed along with a telephone number for getting back your vehicle. If not, contact your local law enforcement agency as the towing company should have notified them within two hours of the tow. If you return while the wrecker is still hooking up there usually isn't a charge. If they have wholly hooked up your car, you could have to pay a "drop fee" of anywhere around $125-$225 based on vehicle weight. Vehicle Storage Every storage facility must meet state requirements for cars towed without consent. For starters, if they get vehicles 24 hours a day, then they must give you your vehicle or let you remove personal property in one hour, any time of the day. Here are some things you must know to help avoid scams and overcharges.
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